QUESTION 1- Give the following information about the institution you performed your internship.
Nergiz AVM. 1777 SOK. NO:132 Nergiz -Karşıyaka
B) Sphere of activity
• Food retailing
• Cleaning supplies
• Ironmongery marketing
C) Sort history of the institution that introduces the development of the institution.
Perla Home is a local retail server firm taking place at marketing sector since 2009. Its first brach was opened in Nergiz. This market chain has five stores and a central stockplace. These branches are located on Nergiz,Çiğli,Bornova,Ulukent, and Manavkuyu. The central stock place being based on Bornova fullfills the distribution activities.
Perla aims to open new stores with the slogon of ‘your face will smile’. This market chain moves on having a more structural organization with new deparments and consulting activities.
D) Upper institution it is affiliated to (if any) and existing facilities.
Perla is a member of EGE PERDER being a local retail federation to shape marketing activities under the consultacy of this institution. EGE PERDER brings local retailers together ,gives cosultancy service and pose trade relationships producer and logistic firms to improve market capacity of its members
E) Number of employees in the institution and their classification according to their qualities.
Perla has 81 employees performing their job duties at different functions which are grengrocer, cashier, and reyon.In my workplace, 1 store manager, 2 store manager asistant,1 finacial advisor and 11 staff personel.
F) Perla Home is not a manufacturing company
G) For service enterprises: services presented, service capacity, basic inputs and target markets.
SHOPPING SERVICES: As a company focused on customer service people, and the human resources employees need to develop and to contribute to the development of the business and personal lives, works continuously.
Success in obtaining success and encourage teamwork, reward (Perla advantage card), and will increase the success of teamwork to bring believes PERLA AVM works continuously to ensure that the necessary conditions. Peaceful, fair, ethical, develop a sense of trust and employee well-being to provide a working environment to make efforts to ensure that the most important resource is our people.
STOCK ALLOCATION: The central stockplace keeps commercial goods to be distrubted to store branches. The warehose allocates products in paralel with the orders from the branches.In case of lack of product in any branch , the warehose also coordinate merchandise transfer from other branches.In addition, they use stock software to minimize the waste and to balance demand and supply of goods.
TARGET MARKETS: Perla has a large target audience.There are many indicators in order to address to customer mass.The selling of kitchen,bathroom,garden,hardware and construction materials for houswives and working class and the avaibility of garments and cosmetics catches attention from young girls.Besides, the variety in cleaning and food retailing covers up customer segments in terms of social and financial status.
QUESTION 2- By drawing the organizational chart of the instutition; please state which units fulfill production/service and general business administration functions, relations, authority and responsibilities between the departments.
Financing Department
The department deals with basic accounting procedures to keep track of businesses. Pre-accounting entity transactions with the money that is expressed in the entity's cash benefit, stock, customers, checks, securities, bank accounts and records of the basic elements used to keep track of their movements.
Human Resources
This section covers strategies and activities in the field (retail) will draw up standards, the company's values, customer priority, number one in quality. Perla is competitive, the firm take the change in power, the results focused and accomplish together on the set up and with this understanding, dignity and configuring to provide leadership in the sector of our country, companies and chosen as to be the most.
Human consciousness is acting in a competitive environment makes the difference, raise the level of employees' satisfaction, trainig and motivation, co-operation between the company and employees as a commitment to move forward continuously improving the competitiveness of Perla.
Purchasing Admistration
This department personel in charge of preparing stastical reports at the event of a crisis and budget relevant to each segments. They keep tarck of market situation, rivals and also operate corporate business partnerships.
Perla’s corporate business partnership is the production of meat and dairy products with Gurmar and Beşkardeşler at the Warehouse and Cold Air Meat Processing Plant in Bornova .Another corporate business partnerships with Üstüncam is dependent on the shipment of Pasabahçe porcelain products.
Warehouse Management
Job description of this section includes with the receipt of the material from the factory to make the necessary checks to ensure labeling and systematic. To take delivery of the products and to maintain in suitable conditions are the parts of stock affairs. They evaluate incoming orders, shipments, perform timely and accurate manner. The stock personel direct Tools and equipment belonging to the warehouse, the efficient use of equipment such as forklifts. To provide information when necessary for the maintenance of the technical department.
QUESTION 3- Did you have a chance to use your foreign language during your internship? What was foreign language? Please answer in Yes/No format and specify which languages you used.
Yes, I have used English in order to use the foreign terms of NETSIS and hand terminal
QUESTION 4- State your ideas and suggestions that could increase efficiency in the processes of production and service at the institution you do the internship.
In my opionon, Consultancy Services and Store Automation Programs would Guides managers through the purchase of goods. By identifying the most sold goods allows you to make the right investment property. Prevent stockpiling of unsold products. Data terminal is communicating with the quick inventory count and control assistant. Checks and promissory notes which are due to detect and warn supervisors. POS collections by cutting commission, waiting time, or the maturity of the commission without interrupting the main account transfers.
Shelf label printing products to automatically detect and prints. Labels on the chassis prices and warranties to be compatible with each other. Thanks to the visual design capabilities as soon as possible to design the label directors want.
QUESTION 5- Please list the duties you performed throughout your internship and explain what you did about these duties. Please attach the visual document if any to the Internship Report.
As a shop assistant, I was resposible of that the entity in accordance with the general principles of operation, tools, supplies and equipment efficiently, using the workers' health, safety and environmental protection regulations and in accordance with the requirements of efficiency and quality of the profession.
a) Market shelves to the classification,
b) Classification of goods in accordance with the shelves in place,
c) The expiry date parts to place the front of the upcoming products
d) According to the instructions on the rack to remove the products from the expiration date
e) Clearance racks let you know which will be
f) inform the products that will be finished, add a new product on the shelves,
g) Shopping deteriorated during the racks, edit, and so on. perform tasks and processes
h)The usage of office programs and hand terminal
QUESTION 6- What kind of applications you saw about the theoretical knowledge you gained? Specify openly. Give example.
During my internship, I got the chance to turn my theorical knowledge to a real job experience. Thanks to ENG 101 and ENG 102, I was able to use English terms of software programs. VSP 101 allowed me to understan the system of NETSIS and POS vehicles. Retail Management Course enabled to observe the design of store and shopping enviroment
QUESTION 7- Please tell what this internship gave to you in one paragraph.
Values imparted to me by my internship are persuasion and negotiation, contact,being problem solving and disclaimer. By controlling the delivery of the products to the store, take place on the shelves to make the necessary labeling, product knowledge, complete necessary by shelf controls necessary to answer customers' questions and problematic situations, helping them carry out their work under the guidance administrator.
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